"The most important thing to have is a well-rested family"

Está mejorando.

We need to change the way our whole bedroom configuration is set up, but it is worth it.

Last night she only woke up 3 times. Yes!

Kara and Juan Carlos had their baby. I think everyone who reads this already knows that, but I'm so excited I had to mention it here. Why are all my girlfriends having baby boys?

Great-grandpa Galen has 8 (if I remember correctly) great-grandchildren - all girls. ??? So interesting.

This morning Lydia and I had 2 hours of awake time together while Sahara was at school so we went to the library. I made it all the way up to the third floor carrying Lydia and double her weight in books to look at the NEW BOOKS shelves. There are always interesting books in the non-fiction section.
Today I found these three:

(Click on the photo to see a bit more info.)

We love the library!