
I like to try new recipes.

I find them in cookbooks I've checked out from the library, on a blog, from a friend's repertoire, or from a clean page in a favorite book from our shelves. Even when I find one I love, I often forget about it and later find myself wondering where I found those flavors combined. Or sometimes I'll turn to a page, get the sense that I've tried the recipe before and wonder if it was worth the effort.

Last night I made this soup from one of my favorite food blogs. The kale I got from the store was so good that Sahara ate some raw after finishing off the soup. Pablo thought it was a bit bland but liked it.

I will definitely make it again.

We grated a bunch of Parmesan on top which is always a good idea. For the tomatoes I thawed a pint of our summer roasted heirlooms and for the bread I used some leftovers from my new favorite bread recipe which is from Peter Reinhart's new book - Whole Grain Breads.

Tonight I will try this soup with naan and Deborah's tzatziki recipe which I discovered is the same as Irma's except for the yogurt's draining time.

- post dinner - soup not worth replicating unless I can figure out what to add to liven it up. The tzatziki, as always, was great. We ended up eating lots of naan, tzatziki and nicoise olives. The girls ate a bunch of steamed fingerling potatoes too. And Sahara finished it off with her favorite snack - bread with butter and nutritional yeast. What an odd dinner!