
You'd feel like you had just stepped off a roller coaster if I served up the full serving of Catch-up - so here are few highlights:

Getting ready for the fair!

We won't be sleeping out there because it is just too much to do with both girls, and Lydia, being the sensitive soul she is, needs her beauty sleep (at home, in her own quiet bed). Sahara looks forward to the festivities the entire year, as do we. I look forward to the girls growing up with the experience of being a part of the magic!

Trials and Tribulations

No tribulations really - just the Olympic Trials. Two very kind and generous souls not only gave us their tickets to see last Monday night's events, but babysat the girls while we went. In my opinion, we were there for the most exciting event - the men's 800.

Watching these guys run turned me into a track fan. It was an incredible race with exciting results for Eugene.

Good Food

This is the time of year when we eat simply and it is all good. Most meals are created around what is growing in our garden or what we've picked up at the Farmer's Market.

I made a yummy dish a few night's ago using our own peas and chard. The carrot was from the market and the corn from a can. Sahara doesn't like onions so I left those out. We all had second helpings.

Hippie Potluck Dish: (Pablo's name for it.)

1 cup of peas sliced diagonally
1 cup of carrots chopped into rounds
1 cup of corn
3 cups of cooked quinoa
1/2 bunch of thinly sliced green onions
1/4 pound of chard ripped into pieces
2 - 3 Tbs. grated ginger
2 Tbs. soy sauce
2 tsp miso
1/4 cup of lemon juice
2 tsps toasted sesame oil
and some toasted sesame seeds if you have them

Mix the sauce ingredients (ginger on down).

Heat some oil in a pan big enough to hold everything. Add the quinoa and swirl around for a few minutes. Add the carrots and corn with some corn juice or a bit of water. Cover and let it steam the carrots for a few minutes. Add the peas, chard and onions and let them steam another minute. Stir it all up, pour on the dressing, and stir it again. Check and adjust for flavor and texture.

Uncle Pat

My mom's younger brother came for the Trials and a visit. I hadn't seen him since 1999! We hope he comes back for the 2012 Trials and brings Aunt Jackie Ann.

So much more, but it is too hot to think or type.