
This morning I walked into the paint store with an egg in hand. I told the employee we are ready to paint our bathroom and showed him the egg.
"This is the color we would like."
He didn't even bat an eye. I was hoping he might humor me by sharing some fun stories of other odd objects people have brought in for color matching, but he was the quiet, hard working type.
The last time I went in I took one of my favorite childrens books to have them match some colors from the pages. The guy who helped me then got really excited and started talking about COLOR and things he learned from art school. That was awesome.
The color was matched and now I am ready to paint and prime. Anyone want to talk the girls to the park or the library for a few hours?

The photo doesn't show the color very well. It is a very subtle green. The egg came from Fuzzy Wuzzy, our Araucana who was the only chicken to stop laying over the winter months but she's up and running again!