that's me

This is the last paragraph of a NYT article I just finished reading:

Someday, you might build a wood-burning oven — right after you start making your own vinegar, raising honeybees and churning butter with cream from cows you milk. Until then, you can make pizzeria-quality pizza with the perfectly normal oven in your kitchen.

Big sigh.... the key word is the first word - Someday -

I did find a great article in Mother Earth News instructing me in how to build an outdoor oven/stove for only 300$. Do we have enough time to add another project for this summer?

In the meantime, it is pouring and we have 44 tomato plants in our greenhouse anxious to be planted in the garden. We had planned space for 18 - 10 roma and 8 heirloom slicers. Somehow they more than doubled this past month. FORTY FOUR! Where did they all come from?