Winter Wonderland

I'm officially on Christmas Vacation. I was so disappointed with the sunshine on Sunday and went to sleep prepared to teach yesterday. Lydia and Sahara both woke up in the middle of the night which is very unusual. Snow makes the world sound different.
We woke up to 4 inches of powder so fluffy we couldn't even build a snowman.
This morning our local station said the temperature was 16!!!!
I think that is the coldest I've ever walked around in.
Pablo put chains on the car.
We are in for more . . . more snow, more below freezing, more adventure.
The plan was to drive up to Seattle on Friday morning but I don't think that is going to happen.
Friends came over for some Christmas cookie baking this morning, and then we all took afternoon naps. Dinner was chili and cornbread.
Next up, chicken pox.
The girls were unintentionally exposed last week. With a two week incubation period, they should be experiencing their first itchies on Christmas Eve.