
Yes, Martha Stewart. Am I crazy to get myself a subscription to her Living magazine? It was the holiday issue with the photos of the Springerle cookies that hooked me. Lovely.

Anyone else want to join in? They've got a two for one deal going on, I'll pay. It would make me feel a little better.
Carmen might be interested. For those of you who don't know her, she is our dear friend who cares for Lydia, just as she cared for Sahara before she was old enough for preschool. She went home to France to spend the holidays with her family. She'll be back for the rest of the school year, gracias a Dios. She gives me her old Marie Claire Idees magazines which are THE BOMB for wannabe craftsters like me. The recipes look good as well. Too bad I don't read French. They are increible. I told her I want to own every copy that has ever been published. The website doesn't do the magazine justice.
I love cozying up when Pablo is off playing volleyball with friends with an old copy and slowly looking through all the needlepoint, felting, sewing, knitting, papercrafting, etc.. projects that I would love to try.

Dinner tonight was - Mushroom + Fennel Risotto, steamed Rainbow Chard, and for dessert some Soy Glazed Sweet Potatoes.

Lydia LOVES playing in water. For Christmas Nana got us a punch card to the (warm) pool up the hill. We all went for a dip on Boxing Day. Ahhhhhhhhhh. It was divine. I think we'll all go once a week. Pablo and I can take turns with the girls and sitting in the hot tub.

Rain rain rain