
Sahara asks for stickers every day now. I took her to Michael's one day and let her choose out some princess stickers. Hmmmmm... It was a sheet of them, Disney style. She thoughtfully placed each one on individual pieces of paper. Then, with her watercolors, she painted a picture around the princess. These have been gifted to various friends over the past few days. It is time to get more she informed me first thing this morning.
She also gets stickers at most grocery stores and when we swing by the bank. Retailers know how to draw the youngest of shoppers. "Would you like a sticker?" they ask as she stands on her tippy-toes in anticipation. Those stickers go on the back of her hand. Sometimes she asks me if I like her sticker, and when I reply "Yes. It is lovely." she says "Here Mom, you can have it."
This morning, with Sahara at a friend's house, Lydia found a small sheet of heart stickers that I was using as a bookmark. This is what she did with the one she pulled off.
Her new favorite word is "caca."

This morning she touched the unplugged fan in her room and said "ciudado" which means: be careful.