Mama with soul

I probably look at my blog more than anyone else, but I don't really look at it, I just go to it because it provides an easy link to my favorites, ones I check out almost every day. I don't know if any of you even pay attention to those links over there, in particular the crafty ones, but I highly recommend Soulemama. There are new posts almost every day (unlike mine!) and they are fun and inspiring and lovely. Occasionally her husband posts something too, and it almost always brings tears to my eyes . . . like this:

"I find it exponentially more difficult to live in the present while feeling responsible for so many futures. Then I'll see something reminding me that time and change come together now and, if I can appreciate that, the future will be just fine. "

She also has her own rotating list of links which are such treasures. In case you don't make it over there, here are some links via her blog that are so worth the time.

Miniature Knitted Sweaters

Her Morning Elegance

Creating Time